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This was a large-scale wall and ceiling project in a 3-storey atrium of a university reception. As part of the design, Vtec was specified to provide vertical MaxiBeams for the walling, including parts of the stairwell. The MaxiBeam system included lightweight feature beams from a range of 75-125mm depths in 50mm thickness, finished in Warm Oak.

The MaxiBeam system was selected because of its adaptability, which enabled it to accommodate the complex demands of the diverse elevations, with the additional technical challenge of spanning over the large windows. Different-sized beams were needed to adapt to the various elevations and ensure beams maintained correct proportions. Vtec’s Technical Team calculated exactly where supports were needed for maximum strength and discreet fixing, which ensured that the MaxiBeams were visible and equally as pleasing to the eye from both sides of the glass.

These vertical beams flowed down the inner faces of the atrium and wrapped under the soffit. The MaxiBeam system with its lightweight feature beams had been designed to incorporate black acoustic backing and was fastened to a unique support framework to disguise the void behind.

The vertical MaxiBeams in the stairwell were designed and detailed in the same way for individual shaping of the beams, and provided an excellent quality finish. The ceiling area above the food counter on the lower level included a range of access and service integration requirements around air conditioning units and lighting, which the MaxiBeam system can easily accommodate. Similarly, all our timber slatted ceiling systems are designed to integrate perfectly with lighting and services and can ensure easy access to mechanical and electrical services.

The discreet Click-Fix installation method ensured the lightweight feature beams could be simply removed individually, as required. With fine tolerances on all beams, the fact each beam was supplied fully finished to precise dimensions alongside very detailed instructions meant installation ran smoothly.

Vertical MaxiBeam in Warm Oak in an UK university atrium


  • This large-scale project with varied elevations required many different beam sizes
  • Technical challenges around windows to ensure beam aesthetics and appropriate support
  • No on-site cutting or finishing, saving time, waste and mess
  • Easy access to lighting and services

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We can work with you to help solve the complexities in wall and ceiling systems by providing high performing creative solutions and systems that work! Making spaces matter is important to us! Give us a call today, so we can get started on supporting you and your journey!
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